A social and solidarity project: a real commitment
SSMI is an NGO based in the North West part of Delhi: in the Punjabi Bagh district.
Existing since 1964, it acts through 3 branches: Health, Education & Textile.
It is with the textile branch that we have been working since 2014, for the manufacture of our accessories.
This story started thanks to SSMI. Continuing to provide them with as much work and resources as possible is essential for Hindbag because it is also thanks to them that we are also where we are today.
We think first by taking into account the capacities and possibilities of the NGO more than the reverse. As we like to say, SSMI is the origin and the purpose of our activity.
The objective is to manage to give more means to the NGO which manufactures our products, so that it can undertake its social actions more serenely and effectively. In India, NGOs receive very little support from the government (less than 10% of their income for SSMI). To respond to this, we have decided to work on the long term with SSMI, providing them with work so that they can enjoy a significant, regular and reliable source of income.
Globally, mentalities are gradually changing, and we are convinced that it is possible to carry out useful and ethical trade and have an economically viable activity while taking care of our partners and suppliers.
Here it is the status of women that is at the heart of the project and we realize that we can have a real impact on the spot if we take the time to establish a solid and balanced relationship.