What is cotton?

Cotton is a fascinating plant that has been cultivated for millennia for its versatile and resilient fibers. Its popularity in the textile industry is indisputable, as its fibers are used in the manufacture of many products, such as clothing, upholstery and bedding products.

The versatility of cotton and its presence in many aspects of our daily lives make it one of the most important crops in the world. However, it is essential to consider the environmental impact and the social consequences of conventional cotton cultivation. This is why more and more consumers are turning to organic cotton, which offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative.

The different types of cotton used around the world

“Conventional” cotton

Conventional cotton is grown intensively and uses chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers to maximize yields. However, this cultivation method has a detrimental impact on the environment, the health of farmers and the quality of the soil.

Cotton with certified dyeing

Some conventional cottons can be dyed with certified dyes. This ensures that the chemicals used in the dyeing process meet strict standards, reducing health and environmental risks. However, it should be noted that these cottons are not necessarily grown organically.

Organic cotton, or organic cotton

The emergence of organic cotton is the result of a growing awareness of the harmful consequences of conventional cotton cultivation on the environment and human health. Over the past decades, many farmers, researchers and organizations have been committed to finding sustainable alternatives for cotton production.

The idea of ​​organic farming dates back centuries, but it was during the 20th century that the movement gained momentum. In the 1940s, the industrialization of agriculture led to the heavy use of chemicals on farms, including cotton growing. Farmers began to notice the adverse effects of these chemicals on their health, surrounding ecosystems and soil quality.

In the 1970s, pioneer farmers began experimenting with alternative methods of growing cotton, avoiding the use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. They have adopted environmentally friendly farming practices, such as crop rotation, organic fertilization and biological pest control. These practices were aimed at restoring the natural balance of ecosystems and preserving soil fertility.

As the demand for organic products grew, standards and certifications were put in place to ensure the authenticity and quality of organic products, including cotton. Labels such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Oeko-Tex Standard 100 have been developed to certify that organic cotton products meet strict environmental and health standards.

Today, the cultivation of organic cotton has spread to many countries around the world. Millions of hectares of land are devoted to the organic cultivation of cotton, providing a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional cultivation.

The benefits of organic cotton

Organic cotton uses less water

Growing organic cotton uses sustainable farming practices that allow for more efficient use of water. Organic farmers favor methods such as drip irrigation and careful management of water resources, thus reducing overall water consumption.

Organic cotton is less harmful to the environment

By avoiding the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, organic cotton reduces soil and water pollution, preserves biodiversity and maintains the ecological balance of ecosystems. In addition, organic farming encourages crop rotation, which contributes to soil fertility.

Organic cotton respects the health of farmers

Farmers who grow organic cotton are not exposed to toxic chemicals found in pesticides and herbicides. These substances can have adverse health effects, leading to respiratory problems, skin irritations, hormonal disorders and even cancers. By opting for organic farming, farmers considerably reduce their exposure to these risks.

The transition to organic cotton farming often requires increased training and awareness for farmers. They learn alternative techniques, such as biological pest control, crop rotation and the use of natural compost to fertilize the soil. These methods maintain a natural balance in the fields and preserve biodiversity, thus promoting healthy ecosystems.

By protecting the health of farmers, growing organic cotton also contributes to the preservation of local communities. Villages and agricultural regions that depend on the cultivation of cotton can be greatly affected by the use of toxic chemicals. By opting for organic farming methods, farmers reduce the risk of soil, water and air contamination, thus contributing to the preservation of the environment in which they live and work.

Additionally, organic farming encourages a holistic approach to farming, promoting crop diversification and building the resilience of farming systems. This makes it easier for farmers to adapt to changing weather and market fluctuations, reducing their reliance on expensive chemicals and inputs.

Organic cotton is more sustainable

Through environmentally friendly farming practices, organic cotton contributes to the overall sustainability of the textile industry. Organic cotton fibers are also stronger, which extends the life of garments and reduces the need for frequent replacement.

Organic cotton clothes are of better quality

In addition to its environmental benefits, organic cotton offers exceptional characteristics in terms of fiber quality. Clothing made from organic cotton is soft, breathable and durable. The natural fibers of organic cotton are less processed and thus preserve their original strength and quality. Clothing made from organic cotton provides optimal comfort and is ideal for sensitive skin.

By choosing organic cotton clothes or bags, we support more responsible and sustainable fashion. We encourage a textile industry that respects the environment, worker health and consumer satisfaction. Opting for organic cotton products, certified according to strict standards such as the GOTS label (Global Organic Textile Standard), is making an ethical choice and contributing to the preservation of our planet.

How to recognize organic cotton?

There are different labels

To easily recognize organic cotton products, there are several trusted labels and certifications on the market. Two of the most widespread and respected are the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and the Oeko-Tex Standard 100.

The GOTS label is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for certification of organic textile products. It guarantees that the cotton used in the manufacture of the products is grown according to rigorous organic standards, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. In addition, it ensures that the entire production process, from harvesting the fibers to making the clothes, respects strict environmental and social criteria. Products bearing the GOTS label are therefore not only made from organic cotton, but also produced in an ethical and sustainable manner.

The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is another renowned certification that guarantees the safety of textiles for human health. Although Oeko-Tex does not specifically certify organic cotton, it plays an important role in recognizing textile products free of harmful substances. Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified products have been tested and checked to ensure that they do not contain chemicals hazardous to health, such as pesticides, heavy metals and azo dyes. Although Oeko-Tex does not directly certify the organic character of cotton, it offers a guarantee of quality and safety for health-conscious consumers.

By choosing products with these reliable labels and certifications, you can be sure that you are buying organic cotton products that meet strict environmental and health standards. These labels are valuable benchmarks for consumers concerned about making responsible choices and supporting more sustainable fashion. When you buy clothing bearing the GOTS or Oeko-Tex labels, you contribute to the preservation of the environment, the protection of workers' health and your own well-being.

All our bags and accessories are made of organic cotton labeled GOTS

At Hindbag, we are committed to promoting sustainable and ethical choices. That's why all our bags and accessories are made from GOTS certified organic cotton.

With our collection of unique eco-responsible bags , the brand offers a wide choice of organic cotton banana bags , everyday bags and eco-responsible accessories to be equipped for all occasions. Discover our best-selling products: the banana bag and cotton duffel bag .

June 02, 2023