Fashion is a constantly evolving field, but this rapid evolution comes at a considerable cost. “Fast fashion”, characterized by rapid production cycles, precarious working conditions and intensive use of resources, has had negative impacts on the environment and workers' rights. However, an ethical and sustainable alternative has emerged: Slow Fashion.

Slow fashion in 3 key points:

Slow fashion supports ethical working conditions

One of the fundamental pillars of slow fashion is the promotion of ethical working conditions in the fashion industry unlike fast fashion which favors low costs and exploitation of workers, slow fashion encourages transparency, fair remuneration and respect for the fundamental rights of employees. Tragic events such as the Rana Plaza incident in Indonesia have highlighted the urgency of reforming the fashion industry to ensure the safety and well-being of workers. Slow fashion encourages transparency, fair remuneration and respect for the fundamental rights of employees, values ​​defended by brands such as Hindbag. Since our beginnings, we have been collaborating with the Indian NGO SSMI, which fights for the emancipation of women in a disadvantaged neighborhood of Delhi. All our bags and accessories are made by these women. In addition to a salary 3 times higher than the local salary, women receive quality training and a place at school for their children. Since the creation of our brand, 150 women have been recruited and trained at the NGO. In 2023, thanks to the growth of Hindbag, 50 additional women will join the workshop to learn a trade and emancipate themselves. By supporting us, you contribute to women's empowerment and positive social impact.

Sustainability of materials and production

Another essential aspect of slow fashion is its focus on sustainability. Slow fashion brands, like us, favor quality, durable and environmentally friendly materials. We use 100% organic cotton fabrics, labeled GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard). This label guarantees at least 70% organic fibers without pesticides and GMOs, with a formal ban on child labor and lower water and energy consumption. The entire transformation process, from the cultivation of the raw fiber to the dyeing of the fabric, is affected by these strict standards.

Encourages responsible consumption

Slow fashion challenges the fast fashion model of overconsumption by encouraging responsible consumption. Rather than frantically buying cheap, disposable clothing, slow fashion advocates the thoughtful purchase of quality clothing. By supporting us, consumers help to promote a mode of consumption that respects the environment and workers' rights.

How to join the Slow Fashion movement?

Buy less and better

The first step to adopting slow fashion is to review our way of consuming fashion. It's about buying less, but favoring better quality clothing and accessories, such as ethical and eco-responsible bags from Hindbag. By investing in durable, timeless and quality pieces, we promote a wardrobe that resists fleeting trends and lasts over time.

Favor second-hand clothing

An effective way to reduce our environmental footprint and support slow fashion is to opt for second-hand clothing. By giving new life to clothes already produced, we avoid waste and extend their lifespan. Thrift stores, garage sales and exchange platforms are all ways to find unique and eco-responsible clothing.

Supporting sustainable brands and creators

Hindbag, are committed to the slow fashion movement by offering collections of ethical and eco-responsible bags . But they are not the only ones: many French brands stand out for their eco-responsible practices and their commitment to sustainability. Notable examples include Veja, known for its eco-friendly sneakers made from sustainable materials such as vegan leather and organic cotton. Patagonia, a company committed to the "slow fashion" movement, offers sustainable outdoor clothing and encourages recycling and repair of products. Ekyog also stands out with its ethical clothing collections using organic materials and promoting local production. By supporting these visionary brands and others like them, we are helping to create a fashion industry that is more respectful of the environment and workers' rights.

Maintain and repair your clothes

Another essential aspect of slow fashion is clothing maintenance and repair. By taking care of our clothes, washing them properly and making minor repairs, we extend their lifespan and avoid buying new ones prematurely. Learning how to care for and repair your clothes is an integral part of a slow fashion lifestyle. At Hindbag, we perfectly understand the importance of this aspect. We create our bags with sustainable fabrics, including resistant and GOTS-certified cotton, guaranteeing production that respects the environment and ethical standards. We ensure that our bags are designed to be washable and repairable, which facilitates their maintenance and prolongs their use. By choosing a Hindbag bag, you opt for an accessory that fits perfectly into a slow fashion approach, combining quality, durability and responsible maintenance. For the storage and shipping of our products, at Hindbag, we have chosen to use a logistician who shares our values ​​and puts our social and environmental commitments at the heart of its organization. Our logistics partner, Boost, stands out for its social commitment by recruiting young people from priority neighborhoods, by offering social support to its employees and by guaranteeing quality of life at work. In addition, Boost's environmental commitment is reflected in the use of reusable and eco-responsible packages, promoting the reduction of waste even before the use of responsible materials. In addition, Boost's warehouses are equipped with low-energy lighting and use 100% renewable energy, thus contributing to the reduction of our carbon footprint.

Price can be a barrier to entry to Slow Fashion

It is true that some slow fashion items may seem more expensive than those of fast fashion. However, it is important to consider the quality, durability, ethical working conditions and positive social impact behind these products, as is the case with our bags at Hindbag. By investing in quality clothing and accessories, we contribute to a fairer system for workers, to a reduction in the environmental impact of the fashion industry and to the promotion of more responsible consumption.

July 05, 2023