6 ethical and responsible shops in Paris
It's not always easy to find places to go shopping. To help you consume more ethically, we have concocted a list of responsible boutiques and concept stores so that your dressing room and even your home can get a committed makeover.
ready to wear
Created by the 2 founders of Veja, the Center Commercial stores present the latest ethical trends of the moment. A little extra for parents, they have opened a third store dedicated to children.
6th shopping center: 9 rue Madame, 75006 PARIS
10th shopping center: 2 rue de Marseille, 75010 PARIS
Kids Shopping Center: 22 Rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris

Less is more
ready to wear
For fans of vintage clothing, head to the Less is More concept store. Jeans do you want some here, and a selection of second-hand clothes with small onions.
22 rue des Vinaigriers, 75010 PARIS

bags and accessories
If you are looking for color, this is the perfect place. Our Hindbag store offers bags and accessories in 100% organic cotton, made by an NGO that fights for the emancipation of women in India.
7 rue de l'Abbé de l'Épée, 75005 PARIS

Mr. Mustache
Need new shoes that will withstand your 10,000 daily steps on our dear Parisian asphalt?! M. Mustache offers you quality shoes made from recycled materials.
Abbesses shop: 36 rue des Abbesses, 75018 PARIS
Marais shop: 25 rue Vieille du Temple, 75004 PARIS

concept store
The Hersée eco-responsible concept store is the perfect place to redecorate your decor and go zero waste. For the curious, Hersée is the goddess of the morning dew in Greek mythology.
50b Rue de Douai, 75009 PARIS

concept store
Our favorite of the month, impossible not to find what you are looking for! You can also discover their different products on their website lesethiquetes.fr.
220 rue du Faubourg Saint Martin, 75010 PARIS

concept store
It is a must. Altermundi offers fair, responsible and ethical fashion and decoration items, the perfect place if you are looking to make a gift.
Altermundi Commerce: 24 rue du Commerce, 75015 PARIS
Altermundi Passy: 87 rue de Passy, 75016 PARIS
Altermundi Town Hall at 10: 71 rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin, 75010 PARIS
Altermundi Charonne: 39 rue de Charonne, 75011 PARIS
Altermundi Lévis: 8 rue de Lévis, 75017 PARIS
Altermundi Vincennes: 31 rue du Midi, 94300 PARIS