What do we call ethical fashion?

Ethical fashion, also known as sustainable fashion, is emerging as a counter-movement to the traditional fashion industry, promoting values ​​of social, environmental and economic sustainability. This approach is based on a commitment to environmentally friendly practices, fair working conditions and increased transparency throughout the supply chain . Unlike fast fashion, which is often criticized for its ecological and social impact, ethical fashion favors the use of sustainable materials, the reduction of waste and the protection of workers' rights. It seeks to raise awareness among consumers and encourage them to make more responsible choices for the future of the planet and its inhabitants.

The different ethical fashion trends in 2024

In the year 2024, the craze for ethical fashion continues to grow, with many emerging trends aimed at promoting a more sustainable mode of consumption. Among these trends, we find in particular the movement towards “Homemade” , encouraging consumers to create their own hygiene and cosmetic products, thus promoting an artisanal and eco-responsible approach. Wardrobe sorting is also highlighted, encouraging individuals to sell or donate clothes they no longer wear, thus promoting reuse and reduction of textile waste. Additionally, initiatives such as sustainable laundry washing and learning to sew are encouraged, providing consumers with practical ways to reduce their environmental footprint and extend the life of their clothing. Finally, learning about ethical fashion has become essential, with numerous resources available to educate consumers about sustainability issues and encourage them to make informed choices.

Use of recycled materials

In eco-responsible fashion, the use of recycled materials is a crucial practice. Fast-fashion manufacturers are the kings of consumption of polluting raw materials. Slow fashion helps reduce dependence on virgin resources , while minimizing the carbon footprint and pollution associated with the production of new fabrics. We try to move towards more durable and better quality materials. Our wool is recycled with the GRS label.

Local manufacturing

Local manufacturing is at the heart of ethical fashion. By prioritizing production processes close to consumer markets, ethical brands reduce transport-related carbon emissions, support local economies and strengthen artisanal communities. This approach also promotes greater transparency in the supply chain, allowing consumers to better understand the origin and manufacturing conditions of their clothing.

Respect for workers

Ethical fashion is committed to ensuring fair and safe working conditions for workers throughout the production chain . This involves respecting the fundamental rights of workers, ensuring decent wages, combating child labor and discrimination, and promoting unions and workers' committees. With a focus on the well-being of the people who make the clothes, ethical fashion promotes a humanistic and equitable approach to the fashion industry.

Why can we say that Hindbag is an ethical fashion brand?

First of all, we are in partnership with the NGO SSMI in India for the manufacturing of all our products. This NGO fights for the emancipation of women by training them for a profession, paying them fairly and taking charge of their children's education. In addition, we only work with GOTS or GRS certified raw materials , these two labels certify the quality of the material as well as the production conditions of the latter. Finally, via our logistician Boost we only use reusable packaging. Boost teams are people in social reintegration who are looking for training. We continue to improve every day to reduce our ecological impact. We are trying to reduce our number of deliveries by plane in favor of transport by boat. It is for all these reasons that we are an ethical fashion brand at an affordable price !

The impact of the emergence of ethical fashion on the fashion industry

The emergence of ethical fashion has profoundly influenced the fashion industry as a whole. By challenging fast fashion practices and advocating for a more responsible and transparent approach, ethical fashion has prompted many brands to review their policies and processes. More and more consumers are turning to ethical brands, made in France, thus putting pressure on the entire sector to make positive changes. This transition towards more sustainable and ethical fashion reflects a growing awareness of environmental and social issues.

In summary, ethical fashion represents an alternative to fast fashion, offering consumers the opportunity to consume in a more conscious and responsible manner. By adopting environmentally friendly practices, fair working conditions and increased transparency. Ethical fashion paves the way for a future where fashion and sustainability go hand in hand, providing a promising vision for the future of the fashion industry.

May 16, 2024